Reflections and Introspection

Thank goodness January is nearly over it has to be the flatest month of the year, and “a wake up call” of how inactive I have been with my photography during the last year. I need inspiration and hoped that it would just land on my lap… however everyday responsibilities, work, laziness etc. have recently blurred my creativity .
The subject of this post is therefore fitting and after a “Kick up the backside”, it feels good to be starting again. After looking through my collection of images it reminded me how exciting and inspiring Photography and Art are to me. They are part of who I am, so to get the year started I have put together a collection of images focussing on reflections, some create gorgeous abstract colours and shapes, others provoke mystery.

Silver Screen


Walk this Way


Woodland Walk

Abney Abstract


Time to Reflect

La Grande illusion

Look at Me


I hope you have enjoyed these and will be back soon  : )