Reaching Out

Quite often we tend to count down to certain events happening and after that wait, it goes too quickly. However, hopefully we are left with good memories and can relive the excitement and happiness we felt, and then make more plans for the future. The aim of these photographs was to capture that moment of grasping what we have been waiting for.

They were taken while watching the final song by the awesome Flaming Lips, who were closing the Bearded Theory Festival 2022. Amidst this crowd my eye was drawn to a child eagerly reaching out trying to grasp just one of the many tissue confetti pieces, which had been released from the stage. I loved watching the excitement of the child finally capturing that confetti. Then it was gone and she carried on reaching for more.

Reaching Out 1
Reaching Out 2
Reaching Out 3
Reaching Out 4

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All images copyright to Dawn Shallcross

Follow The Sun

I have mixed feelings about this time of the year, dark morning and nights are creeping in, but nature’s own beautiful landscapes are on the verge of displaying it’s rainbow of rich and warm colours. Another highlight is now being able to buy Sunflowers, or otherwise know by their scientific name helianthus. The name derives from the Greek words helios and anthus which mean sun flower, as the flowers turn their heads to the sun to grow. For lots of interesting facts about this bold,splendid flower please see

Sunflowers make me feel happy, their form and fibonacci seed sequence, fascinate me, despite maths being my achilles heel. This post is dedicated to their beauty and ability to inspire positivity.

Wide Awake
Red And Green
Sunshine 1
Back to Front
Eye Eye 2
Colour Vision
Sunshine 2
Sunshine 3

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All images copyright to Dawn Shallcross